Judicial Examination Definition
1155/2012/574025. 87. Z. I. Khamis, K. A. TESOL, M. S. TESOLTribal Languages of Kerala . Ravi Sankar S. Nair, Ph.

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Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies reserves the right to postpone the examination if this form is not received on time. The consent of the proposed University Examiners to serve in this role and their availability to attend the Oral Defence must be confirmed by the Research Supervisor prior to the submission of the form. The Doctoral Candidates graduate program is responsible for recommending well qualified, objective examiners who have agreed to serve in this role. A brief rationale of how the proposed examiners fields of expertise relate to the Candidates area of research must be provided. Once approved by Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, each University Examiner will receive a confirmation e mail. This email will be copied to the Candidate, Research Supervisor and Graduate Program Staff. All examiners are expected to formulate an independent opinion of the work. University Examiner must maintain an arms length relationship from the Candidate and Research Supervisors throughout the examination process. They must not discuss the Candidate's research with either the Candidate or any member of the Supervisory Committee until the Final Oral Defence begins. It is the responsibility of the Research Supervisor to ensure that the University Examiners and members of the Supervisory Committee receive a copy of the dissertation, which is identical to the copies submitted for the External Examiner, at least 4 weeks before the examination. The Code of Practice on the External Examining of Taught Programmes describes the role of an external examiner, procedures for their nomination and appointment, their functions, and the structure of their final report.
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Without antibiotic treatment, strep throat will generally improve on its own within 2 to 5 days, as it is a self limited disease that will run its course without complications in the majority of cases. If antibiotics are not prescribed for treatment, complications may occur such as scarlet fever, acute rheumatic fever, abscess formation, poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis, or streptococcal toxic shock syndrome. It is important to report any side effects while taking antibiotics. Any rash, swelling of the lips and tongue, or difficulty breathing may indicate an allergic reaction to the particular antibiotic prescribed. If any of these symptoms develop, discontinue the antibiotic and consult a healthcare professional immediately. The symptoms of strep throat should generally begin to improve after a few days. If symptoms are not improving, or if symptoms worsen, the patient should contact a healthcare professional. A small number of people with strep throat may be caused by bacteria that are resistant to the antibiotic that you were prescribed. If this is the case, symptoms may not improve and a healthcare professional should prescribe a different type of antibiotic. The full course of antibiotics should be taken, even if the individual is feeling better after a few days. Premature discontinuation of antibiotics can result in relapse of illness, generation of antibiotic resistant organisms, or in the development of complications from inadequately treated strep throat.