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En 1995 editaron "Made in Heaven", para el cual Mercury haba prestado su voz meses antes de morir. El lbum es emotivo y la referencia a la muerte es constante, aunque sin caer en el golpe bajo, sino recurriendo a la ms dulce poesa. Muchos de los temas son versiones que la banda hizo de temas que sus integrantes grabaron como solistas. El ltimo lbum de la banda fue "Queen Rocks", un compilado de sus temas ms rockeros que inclua slo un tema indito, un hermoso homenaje de la banda para Freddie: "Only the good die young" Slo los buenos mueren jvenes, escrito por Brian May. El xito de esta banda fue consecuencia de varias cosas: el magnetismo de Mercury con los fans, las letras ingeniosas y poticas, el talento que todos tenan con los instrumentos, el sonido original y nico, mezcla de rock y msica clsica, aunque tambin incursionaron en otros gneros, pero siempre manteniendo su propio sonido. Nosotros no tocamos particularmente msica pesada o msica suave, simplemente hacemos nuestro propio estilo de msica dijo una vez Brian MayA pesar de la disolucin de la banda y la desaparicin fsica de su lder, Queen se sigue escuchando en todo el mundo, e incluso su msica persisti en diferentes generaciones. El Show debe continuar "The show must go on , fue su mandato, y el Show continuar por siempre, porque ellos han escrito con tinta indeleble una pgina indispensable en la historia de la msica. Excelente artculo. Cabe agregar que de hecho el show contina o pretenden continuarlo. Recientemente sali el cd Return of the champions, con el nombre de "Queen ya sin John Deacon, segn tengo entendido + Paul Rodgers". Aparentemente estn intentando relanzar la banda con su nuevo cantante.

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The familiarity of a typical programmer with regular expressions lend them to be often used to define the grammar of a language. More precisely, their syntax is used to define the rules of a lexer or a parser. For example, the Kleene star is used in a rule to indicate that a particular element can be present zero or an infinite amount of times. The definition of the rule should not be confused with how the actual lexer or parser is implemented. You can implement a lexer using the regular expression engine provided by your language. However usually the regular expressions defined in the grammar are converted are actually converted to a finite state machine to gain better performance.
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Kids barely old enough to tie their shoes climb from just off the lot SUVs, pulling bags of gear. Sheets of ice under bright lights await them inside. The state's new youth hockey machine operates in full force here. Minnesota Made is a nexus where personal trainers and AAA teams thrive, where dreams and middlemen shake hands, where hockey greatness isn't some impossible pipe dream. It's advertised as there for the taking. Next week in City Pages: How money, dreams, and hustlers have thrust Minnesota into a new era of hockey, where everyone's looking to go pro, and no player is too young. CityU is the first of six universities which were damaged during recent anti government protests to provide an estimate in a public statement. City University of Hong Kong has revealed that the bill to fix facilities damaged by protesters will run to hundreds of millions of dollars. The university has closed its campus since mid November while classes for the first semester ended two weeks early and final examinations were cancelled. Chinese University and PolyU have not announced their losses yet. Both universities suffered serious damage to campus facilities as a result of the recent unrest.
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When I was returning from the bathroom, I saw all 10 of her toes floating in the air above her headrest. She was doing some sort of meditative yoga. Knees in face. Shoes off, wearing pink and white striped socks, the kind that separate toes into creepy foot fingers. When she finished the routine, I asked whether she was from Hawaii. She said yes and asked me why I was headed to the Aloha State. For work, I said, being intentionally generic. No, no. I tried to explain this project to her: Change the List. Encourage voting. Atlanta resident.
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Another strategy an estate planner can take to minimize the estates tax liability after death is by giving to charitable organizations while alive. The gifts reduce the financial size of the estate since they are excluded from the taxable estate, thus lowering the estate tax bill. And of course, an individual may wish to make charitable contributions to a variety of causes. This is another strategy that can be used to limit death taxes. It involves an individual locking in the current value and thus, tax liability, of their property, while attributing the value of future growth of that capital property to another person. Any increase that occurs in the value of the assets in the future is transferred to the benefit of another person, such as a spouse, child, or grandchild. This method involves freezing the value of an asset at its value on the date of transfer. Accordingly, the amount of potential capital gain at death is also frozen, allowing the estate planner to estimate their potential tax liability upon death and better plan for the payment of income taxes. Life insurance serves as a source to pay death taxes and expenses, fund business buy sell agreements, and fund retirement plans. If sufficient insurance proceeds are available and the policies are properly structured, any income tax on the deemed dispositions of assets following the death of an individual can be paid without resorting to the sale of assets. Proceeds from life insurance that are received by the beneficiaries upon the death of the insured are generally income tax free.