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The population of playing electronic sports has increased recently, and the most popular one is League of Legends LoL. As a multiplayer online battle arena video game, its not only a game, but also a competitive electronic sport. The purpose of this study was to assess the motivations of playing League of Legends and to relate them by genders, age groups and frequency groups. The final sample comprised 111 LoL players. The study categorized 12 items into three factors: achievement, socialization and immersion. Results indicated that achievement factors were stronger motives for men than women.
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Although the software is helping you fill in the submission forms, the process is still largely manual. You will still need to go to each site to submit your article. You will also need to individually register at each of the sites. all up to date. Many of the lists provided with software like this are quickly out of date. Some people find article submission software suitable for their needs, but for the most part it is still very time consuming.
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Manchester Metropolitan University MMU is a university located in North West England, whose central campus and headquarters are located in the city of Manchester. Because of the universitys commitment to internationalism, study abroad programs abound including exchange programs with universities in Australia, England, France, India, Latin America, South Africa, USA and other countries. Scholarships are available for Canadian and international students who possess excellent grades 85% or greater, a history of community work, leadership and dedication to others. Topping off the list of the top ten biggest UK universities based on population is Open University or OU which has a population of 181,695 students. One of its most notable features is its open entry policy which doesnt take into account the previous academic qualifications of students applying for most undergraduate courses. Having worked with many thousands of students at and beyond many colleges and universities both in the United Kingdom and more internationally, I have seen at first hand many of the most common problems that students experience and also been involved in their resolution so I feel that I am able to provide some comment here. With over 300 academic programs, students can choose to major in a variety of fields ranging from Aboriginal Studies to Zoology or choose to pursue a professional degree in law, medicine, pharmacy, nursing, and dentistry. There are literally hundreds of art schools in the greater Los Angeles area. The University of the West of England WWE comes in at number seven with a student body population of 31,700. This university is located in the city of Bristol with the main campus situated at Frenchay. North California Colleges provide a wide range of campus options ranging from private to public and UC, State U, or Community College options.