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Also, when people with mental health issues get out of control, would it be better to have a social worker or psychologist at the scene than the police?In some instances, both may be helpful in calming the situation. However, we must be concerned with the safety of these workers if the person in trouble is armed or may be armed. I do not have answers to what should be done but am glad that these things can be discussed, and I hope some better policies will be the outcome. As Arizona citizens, we share a fundamental duty to vote for the best people to serve our state. That means learning about the character and values of the candidates and then voting for the person wholl not only represent our needs, but also act to create a safer, more equitable and healthier society for all. Our votes will determine the type of government, economy and environment our children/ grandchildren will live in thus we need to think 20 years ahead, not ago. Im voting for Felicia French for State Senate because she has the qualifications, experience and commitment to lead Arizona. A retired U. S. Army Colonel, Felicia served our country for 32 years as a commander, Med Evac helicopter pilot, nurse and medical advisor. She moved to Pine and continued public service as a hospice nurse and Community Emergency Response Team volunteer.
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Duncan was cited for driving too fast for conditions, police said,Lynn A. Piper, 55, of Brownstown, died at 12:06 a. m. Monday, October 26, 2020 at Terre Haute Regional Hospital, Terre Haute, IN. There will be a public visitation from 10:00 until 11:00 a. m. , according to The News Service of Florida. After the service, friends are expected to go to Clydes and Costellos to raise a glass in Slades honor, according to organizers. On Thanksgiving, the venues will open at 6 p. m. and close at 1 a.
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