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I, on the other hand, did not have the same success you did. My camera is acting up and giving me grief, so I only managed 1 good shot out of 40 taken that night. Hi Bob. LOL Bob 40c wind chill is not coldyeah rightyou obviously are not an Emperor Penguin!Love the photos!We had a great view of Venus when we were in HawaiiI kept telling CG that it was Venus but I think I never quite convinced herIt is wonderful to see this assortment of images. I want to encourage you to post more of these night sky about town photos!Thanks Max, yes those are branches. We have such a beautiful nighttime skyline, I will try tonight to get some more shots, this time of the Moon and Pleiades conjunction/Occultation.

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There are 82 in Arizona, depending on how they are counted. Cities can contract with each other or with justice of the peace courts to provide judicial services if they are within the same county. City court judges have criminal jurisdiction over misdemeanor crimes and petty offenses committed within town limits. That includes misdemeanor traffic offenses such as driving under the influence of alcohol DUI, reckless driving, and leaving the scene of an accident. Municipal courts also have primary jurisdiction over violations of city ordinances, which are also frequently classified as criminal misdemeanors. Those can range from prostitution and obstructing a police officer to seemingly minor offenses such as having excessively tall weeds in your yard, littering, failing to return a library book, and violating city smoking ordinances, all of which are considered criminal infractions in some municipal codes across Arizona.
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; the millennium; crusade and jihad; and the terrorist attacks on the United States on 11 September 2001 9 11. His writing on amnesty focused on the pardoning of the Vietnam era war resisters or draft dodgers and deserters or exiles. During the Vietnam War, Reston served as a U. S. Army intelligence officer, an experience that gave him an "abiding sympathy for the American soldier" and "contempt for the politician who blithely puts men and women in harm's way for abstract, theoretical geopolitical reasons without pondering the human cost. " He argued for universal amnesty in numerous newspaper and magazine articles and in public debates and published The Amnesty of John David Herndon his first nonfiction book in 1973 about an army deserter self exiled in Paris, France. His interest in civil rights and capital punishment led to several major works. His 1977 nonfiction book The Innocence of Joan Little: A Southern Mystery examined the trial of the young African American woman Joan Little, who killed a white correctional officer attempting to her in her jail cell. Little, who could have faced the death penalty had she been convicted of first degree murder, was acquitted. In 1981, Reston wrote a documentary 88 Seconds in Greensboro about the 3 November 1979 murders of civil rights protesters at the hands of Ku Klux Klan and neo Nazi counter protestors in Greensboro, N. C.
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With wild audience cheers in the background, the sneaker sighs and weeps as he is shown his birth in the mind of a designer, his first owner, and his old age in an abstract sculpture. Mister Rogers, on the other hand, shows a quiet seven minute film of a sneaker factory, describing the actual production process from the stamping out of the rubber soles, to the molding of the canvas, to the boxing of the final product. For the next few minutes, he talks about what the children have just seen. Without missing a beat, by contrast, the empty Sesame Street trifle dissolves into a glitzy 30 second "ad" for the letter G. According to the show's enthusiasts, this jumble is all very educational. Children learn to recognize letters and numbers as well as concepts like heavy and light "You know you're heavy, baby, and I'm light," rasps a macho rock star in one segment, and in this way, enthusiasts argue, the show promotes the child's "emerging literacy. " But there are several reasons to greet these claims with only one hand clapping. As any kindergarten teacher can tell you, identifying the letter A is about as central to reading as defining shortstop is to playing baseballnecessary, but wildly insufficient. The skills required for reading are a complex mix of concentration, persistence, the linking of concepts, the mental recall of autonomous memories and images the same skills that allow an older child to engage in analytic thinking. Sesame Street, by contrast, appeals to the most primal parts of the brain its reflexive attraction to movement, light, and noise. Still, as the sneaker episode demonstrates, the problem with Sesame Street's approach to teaching children goes even deeper.
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It gives you a bit more confidence when you have a Supreme Court judge upholding your decision. So I enjoyed that. Well in my opinion a lawyer is the most important person in Court. I loved to have a lawyer appearing for a defendant than a defendant appearing on their own. Ive always been very impressed with the quality of the submissions that have been made to me over the years. Lawyers are the most important part of the Magistrates Court. I always liked the lawyer if they were making relevant and helpful submissions, but if the lawyer got offside with the magistrate or said things that were a bit insulting or unhelpful, to me that never did any good for the decision that was finally made. So for me, if the lawyer can be courteous at all times but be extensive with their knowledge of the law and the case involved, to me thats the best, the lawyer who was doing the right thing. Im afraid not, its hard work!The trouble with the Magistrates Court is that there is so much work there every day and what it means is that you are in a position where you must complete the work thats been listed today, because it cant be put on tomorrow, because theres a heap of cases tomorrow, and in fact theres a heap of cases every day for the next three months!So if you cant finish the hearing today, then thats going to cause a real problem. I felt that I had to make decisions properly and as efficiently as I could to make sure that people werent going to be put off for 3 or 6 months. To make sure I finished the particular case on a particular day, it was very difficult to make sure that happened.