Washington College Course Catalog
S. TESOLTribal Languages of Kerala . Ravi Sankar S. Nair, Ph. D. Teaching of Adverbials to the Tamil Speaking Learners of English . S. RajendranDrama in Indian Writing in English Tradition and Modernity . Dr. Mrs. N.

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htmN. B. Im sorry for not posting /publishing my article/reflection due to heath problem, technical problem and lack of knowledge in making gmail. With this, if this article will not be accepted because its already late, I will deserved it. Thank you very much Maam B. Escobar and Sir Ambong for help and inspiration.
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Students should choose a permanent seat and keep it. Seat changes may be permitted by the instructor during the add/drop period. At the end of the add/drop period, instructors should remind students to report their permanent seats to the CRU using here. nd. edu/seat. After the final list is submitted, students will no longer be asked to report seats to the CRU. If a seating change is absolutely necessary later in the semester, the student must complete the survey to indicate the change. Instructors do not report attendance to the CRU. Drop in online office hours, group consultations, and online workshops are available for all Notre Dame instructors. As we head into the home stretch for the fall semester, we are facing an uptick in the number of positive COVID 19 cases. As best we can tell, this is due to a combination of recent weather, mask and social distancing fatigue, and increased socialization before and after home football games.
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Such payment is non refundable and shall be credited to the claimants portion of the advance on costs. 2The provisional advance fixed by the Secretary General according to Article 371 of the Rules shall normally not exceed the amount obtained by adding together the ICC administrative expenses, the minimum of the fees as set out in the scale hereinafter based upon the amount of the claim and the expected reimbursable expenses of the arbitral tribunal incurred with respect to the drafting of the Terms of Reference or the holding of the case management conference. If such amount is not quantified, the provisional advance shall be fixed at the discretion of the Secretary General. Payment by the claimant shall be credited to its share of the advance on costs fixed by the Court. 3In general, the arbitral tribunal shall, in accordance with Article 376 of the Rules, proceed only with respect to those claims or counterclaims in regard to which the whole of the advance on costs has been paid. 4The advance on costs fixed by the Court according to Articles 372 or 374 of the Rules comprises the fees of the arbitrator or arbitrators hereinafter referred to as arbitrator, any arbitration related expenses of the arbitrator and the ICC administrative expenses. 5Each party shall pay its share of the total advance on costs in cash. However, if a partys share of the advance on costs is greater than US$ 500,000 the Threshold Amount, such party may post a bank guarantee for any amount above the Threshold Amount. The Court may modify the Threshold Amount at any time at its discretion. 6The Court may authorize the payment of advances on costs, or any partysshare thereof, in instalments, subject to such conditions as the Court thinks fit,including the payment of additional ICC administrative expenses. 7A party that has already paid in full its share of the advance on costs fixed by the Court may, in accordance with Article 375 of the Rules, pay the unpaid portion of the advance owed by the defaulting party by posting a bank guarantee.