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Environmental ethics is concerned with the issue of responsiblepersonal conduct with respect to natural landscapes, resources,species, and non human organisms. Conduct with respect to persons is,of course, the direct concern of moral philosophy as such. Strictlyspeaking, "environmental ethics" could be interpreted more broadly toinclude questions of responsibility toward artificial environments,but such an interpretation is not directly our concern, and we willthus confine our attention to matters of moral significance regardingnatural environments. "Moral responsibility" normally implies knowledge, capacity,choice, and value significance. That is to say, if a person ismorally responsible to do something, then he a knows of thisrequirement, b is capable of performing it, c can freely choosewhether or not to do it, and d the performance thereof affects thewelfare and/or liberty of other beings. Because one's response tothese requirements reflects upon his value as a person, we say thatthis response has "moral significance.

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5 million, while their female counterparts earn roughly $2. 8 million 21 percent less. While women outnumber men at most degree levels, Indiana's public universities still produce more male graduates than female graduates at the doctoral levelapproximately 598 compared to 426 each year see Table 4. The field of choice among women is once again education 23 percent followed by the social sciences 14 percent and arts and humanities 12 percent, which together account for half of all female graduates' doctoral degrees. In contrast, half of all men complete doctoral degrees in engineering 24 percent, mathematics and physical sciences 14 percent, and the biological, agricultural and environmental sciences 12 percent. There is a wide range of lifetime earnings associated with the six most popular doctoral degree programs. Men with engineering doctorates earn an estimated $2. 5 million over the course of their careersalmost 60 percent more than graduates with doctoral degrees in the arts and humanities field $1. 6 million. Similarly, female doctoral graduates in mathematics and physical sciences $2 million are expected to earn 60 percent more than their counterparts in arts and humanities only $1. 2 million.
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If the Chairperson is unable for any reason to complete the term of office, the Vice Chairperson shall assume the position of Chairperson for the remainder of the term. Further succession to the office of Chairperson, if necessary, shall be determined by a vote of the remaining members of the Assembly. F. In the event of a permanent vacancy in any position, except Chairperson, nominations for that position shall be received at that meeting, with elections to be held at the following meeting. Those duties that must be performed between the announcement and the election shall be filled by the remainder of the Administrative Council. B.
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Jacksons remarks came to mind in the last few weeks, as the power of prosecution and the dangers of its politicization returned to the headlines. In early May, the Justice Department concluded a three month internal investigation into the DOJs and FBIs handling of the investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who had pleaded guilty in late 2017 to charges of lying to investigators about the details of a December 2016 phone conversation with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Flynns plea bargain occurred under the shadow of leaked reports that the DOJ could indict his son, too. But before proceedings concluded in the trial court, Flynn complained that he had been treated unfairly by prosecutors. In May 2020, the Justice Department finally agreed, filing a motion to erase Flynns guilty plea and dismiss the charges because the department concluded that it could no longer prove beyond a reasonable doubt that any false statement he made was material to a legitimate FBI investigation. As Eli Lake detailed in a thorough article for Commentary, the now public record does raise significant questions about whether the investigators who questioned him during the January 2017 interview at which Flynn allegedly lied, and the broader FBI investigation itself, had mistreated Flynn. Flynns critics replied, in turn, that the investigation was warranted from the start; that his statement to investigators that he had not discussed sanctions on the phone with Kislyak was not merely mistaken but an intentional lie; and that the department could not plausibly disclaim an ability to prove Flynns guilt beyond a reasonable doubt when Flynn himself had already admitted guilt in his plea bargain. Whatever one thinks of the first two of those points, critics making the third point ought to read Rakoffs essay. Upon receipt of the Justice Departments motion to dismiss the case, Judge Emmet Sullivan undertook an astonishing assertion of control over the DOJs prosecution, inviting a retired federal judge and the public at large to make arguments in favor of completing the prosecution that the prosecutor itself no longer stood behind. The U. S.
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