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To filter results, select a Pawnee, OK high school using the links to the right. The Pawnee alumni list on this page come from a variety of sources. Clicking one of your friends will give you locations that you can get back in touch with the fellow graduate. Listed below are all public and private high schools located in Pawnee, Oklahoma. Click on the public or private school to view that specific high school's details. If you are looking to move to Pawnee, OK consider which high school your children would attend.

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According to Mark Leary at Duke, self compassionate people simply lack that extra layer of self flagellation and internal criticism. In other words, their internal critic has learned to speak up less frequently and to speak with greater kindness. How To Build More Self CompassionKristin Neff, a researcher at University of Texas, suggests the following ways in which you can foster more self compassion"Self Kindness Ask yourself'What would a caring friend say to me in this situation?' 'What is a kind and constructive way to think about how I can rectify this mistake or do better next time?'Limit Self Judgment Ask yourself'Who ever said human beings are supposed to be perfect?' 'Would a caring mother say this to her child if she wanted the child to grow and develop?' 'How will I learn if it's not okay to make mistakes?'Common Humanity Think about all the other people who have made similar mistakes, gone through similar situations, and so on. Tell yourself'This is the human condition all humans are vulnerable, flawed, make mistakes, have things happen that are difficult and painful. ' 'How does this situation give me more insight into and compassion for the human experience?'The experiments coming out of Duke and University of Texas show that self compassion is a learnable skill just like riding a bike. You can learn to become more self compassionate with practice.
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