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Accessed February 18, 2014. The Negative Effects of Facebook on Communication. " Internet History Sourcebooks Project. June 29, 2012. Accessed March 3, 2014. ain, K. 2012, June 29. The Negative effects of Facebook on communication. Social Media Today RSS. Retrieved from ast name, First name. "Article Title.

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To read the article in detail, please click here. Its not often that you hear of a young poet launching her collection in Muscat. Vipasha Mishra, who just passed her 10th standard from Indian School Darsait, has accomplished a rare feat. She recently released her collection of poems called More than Words. In a candid interview, Vipasha speaks to Times of Oman about her book, interests and future plans. How did you decide on the book title?The title of my book is, in fact, the title of one of the poems in my book. I deeply believe in the power of poetry and believe that words, when put together as poems, are not a mere collection of alphabets, but are powerful enough to move the world. What is the theme of your poetry?I generally write poems to throw the negativity out of my system. The world today is full of vices and that perturbs me. So, most of my poems are an outburst of my emotions after seeing the conditions around me. Some poems are also dedications to people who have changed my life like The Dark Knight, which I wrote for my maternal grandfather.
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Those fearsnot scientific objectivityhave been guiding the gradual loosening of lockdowns and lockdown related restrictions in recent weeks. After all, in many jurisdictionsboth in the USA and in Europecases and case growth are far above what they were back in March and April when we were told that high case totals absolutely required strict lockdowns. If case numbers are higher now than during the previous peak, why no new lockdowns?Make no mistake, many politicians would to impose lockdowns again, and indefinitely. After all, the power to micromanage the behavior of every business and household in the manner of covid lockdowns is a power undreamed of by even the most despotic emperor of old. Its not a power a regime would abandon lightly. But could they get away with it?This is a question every prolockdown politician is asking. For the extent to which lockdowns have been scaled back and lessened, we cannot thank any enlightenment or change of heart on the part of politicians. If lockdowns now seem to be receding, its because policymakers fear another round of lockdowns would be greeted with resistance rather than obedience. In short, the retreat of lockdowns is a result of an uneasy truce between the antilockdown public which is by no means the whole public and the prolockdown politicians. The politicians have conceded nothing in terms of their asserted authority, but they nonetheless fear greater resistance in the future. Although theyre slowly backing off on full lockdowns for now, governments have been very careful to maintain that they retain the power to reimpose themincluding full on strict and ruthless lockdownat any time.
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Your resume section has got pretty spammed, I reported it before but don't know if it's been fixed. There were tonnes of people just trying to flog services with cheesey lines instead of real resumes in there. just thought I'd better let you know before I forget again ;Hehe I've sent a few recruitment agencies your way actually, and to the resume boards on here. they get hold of me through Linkedin, etc. and I always explain to them to be careful who they get and from where, and to try to recruit from a community to get better quality. then I drop em some links to jobs areas of SEC, MM and here. Which is a point actually, Rand. Your resume section has got pretty spammed, I reported it before but don't know if it's been fixed. There were tonnes of people just trying to flog services with cheesey lines instead of real resumes in there. just thought I'd better let you know before I forget again ;Hehe I've sent a few recruitment agencies your way actually, and to the resume boards on here. they get hold of me through Linkedin, etc.