Examination Form Jiwaji
A. , B. Ed. , DCE, M. Phil. , Ph. D. CandidateDyslexia: A Critical Study of Language Deficiency in Children and Adolescents . Vaishali Narbheram Punjani, M. A. , M.

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One student remarked, It was also awesome because you really do learn the material through teaching it to someone else. Offering students a structured opportunity to communicate with each other ended up saving me substantial time during the days preceding the final exam. Since I had urged students to post questions to the forum before emailing me, I received very few emails and requests for meetings in the days before the exam. Additionally, it took me a minimal amount of time to weigh in on students questions in the online discussion. Since I had agreed to contribute only after at least one student had responded, I found myself having to write very little, as most of the previous responders had worked out the correct answers. In subsequent semesters I asked that two students weigh in before I would respond, which reduced the workload for me even further. In the second semester that I used the forum, I also let students know that they should expect to wait at least 24 hours for me to respond. While I often responded in less time than 24 hours, letting students know that they should expect to wait meant that by the time I responded to questions several students had often already weighed in. During the first semester that I used an online forum, I also offered extra credit points for participation in the discussion forum. This was very helpful in motivating students to try out the forum. Surprisingly, after they posted once they tended to post repeatedly even though they were not earning additional extra credit points for subsequent posts.
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Only classifying and assigning responsibility is not enough, a manager must make sure the different departments co ordinate among themselves and recognize the powers and duties assigned to each one of them. This is vital as the smooth functioning of the whole organizational structure depends upon people learning to work together. Directing or leading is the third function of management. Working under this function helps the management control and supervise the actions of the staff. It also enables them to render assistance to the employees by guiding them in the right direction, to achieve the companys goals and also accomplish their personal or career goals, which can be powered by motivation, communication, department dynamics, and department leadership. Some characteristic features of the directing function are as follows. Directing attempts to motivate and lead the employees toward the planned objectives. It is therefore inspirational in nature. Directing aims to delegate tasks to subordinates, doing this the right way can be helpful in increasing the productivity of the entire organization. Directing is undertaken by all levels of the management. A superior directs his subordinate who in turn delegates tasks to the people he supervises and so on.