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The plains and forest are of the same description as I have already given, only that the plains have not quite so many holes in them, and the forest in many places is covered with ironstone gravel. I shall try a course to the north of west to morrow, to see if I can find water. Wind variable. Wednesday, 16th April, Frews Water Hole, Sturt Plains. Started at 7. 45 a.

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The 26 acres of solar panels would generate 4 megawatts ofenergy for sale to electric customers across the region, companyspokesman Stephen Ross said. This is less than 1 percent of the 447 megawatts the B. L. England power plant can produce at maximum output, but it is enoughto power 4,000 homes. "We're excited about the project. I think it's going to helpthis end of Cape May County lead the way on green energy in NewJersey," he said. Golfers said they would hate to lose the course. The coursehosts a weekly men's and women's league Tuesday and Wednesdaynights. Company employees have always been involved in the course, downto helping in its construction. They run its clubhouse and arecourse regulars, getting a discount on rounds of golf here. But Upper Township residents such as Mike Hagan said they enjoythe course because of its combination of short and long holes.