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The case is broken in to different parts which is emphasized on how internal and external factors affecting the industry firstly, the main environmental forces currently affecting the industry through PEST analysis. Secondly, the implications of the changes in business environment that is internal factors through porter's five force theory. Finally, the use and limitations of the tools applied to solve case are discussed. The present pharmaceutical industries are non assembled and more of competitive but it had emerged in early 19th century in the Rhine valley near Basel Switzerland where dyestuffs were found to have antiseptic properties. Companies like Hoffman la rochy, Sandoz, Novartis are all started as Rhine based family dyestuff and chemical companies, which are still doing tremendous business even to day. Slowly these chemical companies started making pharmaceuticals and synthetic chemicals and evolved as global players. In early 1940's the industry showed drastic changes such as introduction of penicillin and other drugs. In 1960's industry growing rapidly with the setting up of RandD not only this economies prospered by the spending on health care in same period. In 1970's industry showed major development but a strong regulatory controls also came into existence with this development, and this regulatory controls had removed the rule of permanent patent to some fixed period which resulted in birth of branded generics. Political factors includes government regulations and legal issues defines both formal and informal rules under which firm operates some example like tax policy, trade restrictions and tariffs, political stability. Political arena has huge influence up on the regulations of business and the spending power of consumers and other business.

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We have what we call the KSA. K stands for knowledge, S stands for skills and the most essential one is the A which stands for Attitude. Companies nowadays look for the employee more on the attitude, no matter how skilled you are, the knowledge you have acquired, it doesnt make ones work good if this essential one is missing. The reason is that the attitude makes the whole thing. If we train them about what must be done inside our institution, they do but the hidden curriculum lays there, it cannot be thought but can be improved. The best way to predict your future is to create it.
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Being new entries, we werentexpected to march smartly, but at least we wereexpected to be coordinated. At the medicalexamination the specialists tried to discover why thelad could not keep in step, but to no avail, and hewas promised to the Seaman Chief Petty Officer forextra marching drill. We found out later that he hadpreviously joined a Guards Regiment. There, with alltheir expertise, they could do nothing about thelads defect and so he joined the Navy. As hehad joined the Seamans branch, he was shuntedoff to other pastures, so we never knew if he brokethe Chiefs heart or the other way around. After the medical and providing aspecimen in a test tube "From here?" wasthe standing joke, we marched to meet the dentalofficer. Now I am sure he was in danger of becomingunemployed because, with that horrible pointed pieceof apparatus he found holes in my teeth where noneexisted before. This seemed to be general complaint,but our Instructor Petty Officer assured us that wewould enjoy the treatment. "They are alwayscareful with the new entries," he said. Iwondered why he smiled when he said that silly me!Formed into a squad again, we marched to another partof the sick bay and were vaccinated. Against what, Idont know, but our upper left arms wereslightly scored by the blade of a sharp knife, onwhich the vaccine was impregnated.
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As a Natura 2000 site manager you have to deal with a different range of stakeholders, and be always able to address their problems. This is a useful document about the importance of conflict resolution in managing Natura 2000 sites. Check also a review of 24 best practices case studies on Dealing with Conflicts in the Implementation and Management of the Natura 2000 network and a guide for conflict management and participatory approaches in Natura 2000. Making sense of sustainable lifestyles and broadcasting wisely. This is an example by the UN Sustainable Lifestyles Taskforce Link: a report downloaded 60,000 times in the first month after launch, and an online movie viewed over 21,000 times. It is not always easy to create your presentation in a catchy way, learn how to make your presentation with this web article. Get inspired by this video on how to deliver polished presentations Steve Jobs styleLinkFrom a BBC past series for finding the best young public speaker, find different aspects of public speaking handed by experts. Link Learn 5 tips to better engage your audience A website with useful resources from preparing your speech in any occasion. Link One important thing to keep in mind is that negotiation is a process, and it is important to communicate throughout this process. Listen and ask questions. The key to a win win negotiation is to focus not only on content, but also on the relationship between the parties.