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Murray was very interested in ascribing naturalistic or religious ceremonial explanations to some of the more fantastic descriptions found in witch trial testimony. For example, many of the confessions included the idea that Satan was personally present at coven meetings. Murray interpreted this as a witch priest wearing horns and animal skins, and a pair of forked boots to represent his authority or rank; most mainstream folklorists, on the other hand, have argued that the entire scenario was always fictitious and does not require a naturalistic explanation, but Gardner enthusiastically adopted many of Murrays explanations into his own tradition. The witch cult theory represented the historical narrative around which Wicca built itself, with the early Wiccans claiming to be the survivors of this ancient pagan religion. Other influences upon early Wicca included various Western esoteric traditions and practices, among them ceremonial magic, Aleister Crowley and his religion of Thelema, Freemasonry, Spiritualism, and Theosophy. To a lesser extent, Wicca also drew upon folk magic and the practices of cunning folk. It was further influenced both by scholarly works on folkloristics, particularly James Frazers The Golden Bough, as well as romanticist writings like Robert Graves The White Goddess, and pre existing modern Pagan groups such as the Order of Woodcraft Chivalry and Druidism. It was during the 1930s that the first evidence appears for the practice of a pagan Witchcraft religion what would be recognisable now as Wicca in England. It seems that several groups around the country, in such places as Norfolk, Cheshire and the New Forest had set themselves up as continuing in the tradition of Murrays Witch Cult, albeit with influences coming from disparate sources such as ceremonial magic, folk magic, Freemasonry, Theosophy, Romanticism, Druidry, classical mythology, and Asian religions. According to Gerald Gardners account in Witchcraft Today and The Meaning of Witchcraft, Wicca is the survival of a European witch cult that was persecuted during the witch trials. Theories of an organised pan European witch cult, as well as mass trials thereof, have been largely discredited, but it is still common for Wiccans to claim solidarity with witch trial victims.

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It is also used in the kitchen to add an aromatic flavor to meat and cheese. This multipurpose plant has very little water requirements, and is an overall low maintenance herb. However, if you are growing it from a seed, brace yourself for its slow growth. Once the herb is established though, it is a tough plant that can tolerate almost any extreme weather conditions. The size of the plant determines its water needs, but to begin with, use 2 cups of water every three days while the plant is establishing itself. Look for fungus or mold at the base of the plant, which is a good indicator of over watering. Sage prefers light, well drained gardening soil, and dainty sips of water for its proper growth. On the contrary, soggy and wet conditions will make the plant unhappy, and it may rot in such conditions. It is such a hardy shrub, that its often referred to as a no water plant. It is one of the best houseplants that can survive in almost any extreme condition, while maintaining its graceful appearance. Moreover, yucca plants grow best in natural bright sunlight, hence, placing them near a window in winter would be better.
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