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With all of this bullish talk, should investors double down or even triple their bets on gold and gold mining through leveraged ETFs?Not necessarily, experts said. Many see gold as a long term play, which is best achieved through physical gold, gold funds and non leveraged ETFs. Leveraged ETFs are for day traders who can watch their investments hour by hour, not for long term investors, said Colas. While the potential gains from leveraged ETFs can be huge, so are the risks. They promise two or three times the return on an intraday basis not on an extended period, said Merk. Gains and losses can come fast and hard.

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Art making is the biggest adventure there is. If you do not know what you are creating, if it will appeal to anyone, or if you will make any money at all, youre in good company with both artists and business people. Business and art are fueled by a high level of passion. Any advice on running a business will preach that you need to be passionate to fuel the long stretches of challenging times. Artists thrive on passion. All of these characteristics give artists an edge over others in the business realm. Its great to be fueled by the knowledge that you do have what it takes to succeed, and you also need to operate in a business like way to make it happen. Here are the keys to business success that I have used and enjoyed. Vision. You have to want your creative success from a deep, deep place. What is this about for you, anyway?Have a vision for yourself and your business.
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A. , M. Phil. , Ph. D. Periyar UniversityDepartment of English, Salem, Tamilnadu, IndiaPapers presented in the National SeminarFood is not just a Curry: Raison de'tre of Food in Literature FDLT 2019 . Editors: Dr. V. Sangeetha, Dr. B. J.
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Sabrinas a writer Ive worked with for so long, have so much faith in, that I really trusted her judgment in finding Jackie credible, Woods said. I asked her a lot about that, and she always said she found her completely credible. Woods and Erdely knew Jackie had spoken about her assault with other activists on campus, with at least one suitemate and to UVA. They could not imagine that Jackie would invent such a story. Woods said he and Erdely both came to the decision that this person was telling the truth. They saw her as a whistle blower who was fighting indifference and inertia at the university. The problem of confirmation bias the tendency of people to be trapped by pre existing assumptions and to select facts that support their own views while overlooking contradictory ones is a well established finding of social science. It seems to have been a factor here. Erdely believed the university was obstructing justice. She felt she had been blocked. Like many other universities, UVA had a flawed record of managing assault cases.
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I applaud this writer for writing such unique and quality information with viewpoints I can understand. I couldnt stop reading this article. I got so engrossed in this material. Thanks!I applaud this writer for writing such unique and quality information with viewpoints I can understand. I couldnt stop reading this article. I got so engrossed in this material. Thanks!I applaud this writer for writing such unique and quality information with viewpoints I can understand. I couldnt stop reading this article. I got so engrossed in this material. Thanks!I really feel youve made sound and unique points that are highly relatable to your readers. Your article has made a big difference in how I think about this subject.