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However, the engineer in him is bewildered as to the design process necessary for its building. Having been involved in such things he recognizes the sophistication needed which in turn is no doubt the reason why that subject has had such little attention. Marshal Payn indicates that U. S. Once he professes how the height was determined to be 480. And I mean, with such accuracy so as to eliminate any chance that his methodology was not that of the pyramid's designers. Here's where the intrigue comes in. By not using any more numbers, and he explains correctly that it doesn't matter what units are used feet, meters, cubits, etc. , incredibly, he develops every single dimension in the pyramid using only the mentioned unique value. The accuracy he computes cannot be believed until you struggle through his book. Once he develops a length geometrically, he returns to the height, in whatever units, to determine the various other dimensions.

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o ka muna sa waley ni apo,dika muna pasadya taman di nilan madawat e nanggula nengkatalo ne kaka ko. Nanines ko sa languntaman ko pasad minu ko sa waley ni apo ko. kowma oh niley ko e tuladan na ante koguna kinawing sa kanin. dhie,katadaman nangka pan inan?talo nengka sa lakami,makowma gey miling ka kani babo ningka. Mmakowma Gey kyog nengka kawingen ka mapya. Oged andaw den e gey to na kedtalo nengka salakami?talo ni apo ko. Dala ko nakasawal,sinumagad ako bo. Natdanam ko pan sa muna guna kinawing e babo ko. myog ko makapasad magiskwela, o ged magingey ko den. Nagubal e pangarap ko sa ginawa ko sa makowma gey na pidtalo ko. Have you hear a story of a young lady ho get pregnant?A young lady who was still in the field of her study and because of innocence she don,t know even what would be the outcome of what she did.
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Some scholars argue that the word shall should be reserved for the first person only. However, people often use the word shall to add an air of sophistication to writing and speech. Latin students may recall that the second principal part of every verb is the present active infinitive form of the verb. The infinitive is the basis for all of the forms a verb can take for the present, imperfect, and future tenses. English infinitives are identified with the word to and can even be the subject of a sentence. For example, the phrase:has an infinitive that appears twice. Notice the telltale use of the word to to indicate that to be is the infinitive form of the word be. Similarly, New York Universitys Latin motto incorporates two infinitives. Perstare is the present tense infinitive form of the Latin word persto meaning to stand firm, to remain standing, or endure. Praestare is the present tense infinitive form of the Latin word praesto meaning to stand before, to be outstanding, or surpass. The Latin word et is an indeclinable conjunction similar to Englishs and.
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Instructor's manual for the Arctic, prepared by Dr. VilhjahmurStefansson, 1943. National Geographic Society survey ofliterature on the Greenland ice cap, 1953. Report on the use ofice for aircraft landing strips, 1955. 342. 8 RECORDS OF THE AERONAUTICAL CHART AND INFORMATION CENTERACIC 1947 71 History: For an administrative history of ACIC and itspredecessors, SEE 456. 2, "Air Force Predecessors," in RG 456,Records of the Defense Mapping Agency. Maps and Charts: Sets of published worldaeronautical, pilotage, approach, and strategic planning charts,with index charts, 1947 71 4,111 items. Charts of the surfaceof the moon, and a lunar photomap atlas, 1960 62 347 items. 342. 9 RECORDS OF AIR FORCE OPERATIONAL UNITS 1950 65Note: This subgroup includes approximately 6 lin.