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To some extent, we are dealing with a zero sum game. Are teachers unions unwilling to claim a fair share of state revenues for education because other non educational state and local workers unions will face cuts as a result?In the last recession, something like 30,000 teachers were laid off, about one tenth of the teaching workforce at a time when California already had the worst teacher/student staffing ratios in the nation. How many CHP officers were laid off?Is the relationship between California teachers unions and the Democrat controlled legislature too cozy?With the union teachers assuming essentially the role of the abused spouse in an abusive marriage?Happy to just keep LIFO, tenure and high salaries for the oldest teachers, while the younger teachers were thrown under the funding bus. If 30,000 teachers can be laid off, when was the last time any legislator, or especially a Democratic legislator, was laid off, voted out of office through concerted effort for inadequately funding education?If the California teachers unions continue to allow the funding inadequacies, teachers generally will be blamed for the adverse outcomes. If LIFO and tenure vanish, it will be in part because voters saw and remembered headlines like beloved young teacher of the year laid off due to LIFO . If adequate funding were required, such headlines would never have occurred. Those are good questions, Andrew. Obviously the answers are complex and would require another article or two.

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Post Articles: mailto:: mailto:aageneral : mailto:aageneral subscription: ist owner: mailto:aageneral Yahoo!Groups LinksYou have permission to publish this article electronicallyor in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines areincluded. A courtesy copy of your publication would beappreciated send to for reprint:1. You must publish the article AS IS. Do not modify, alter or edit it. unless it's a technical/computer problem like a ' being changed to weird computer codes2. The author's resource box must accompany the article at all times. 3. The link/s must be active or clickable. 4. Notifying the author is not required, but doing so is appreciated. Title: SHALLA CHATS with author Judie Aitken: "Writing Time Travel Romance"Word Count: 1,395Author: Shalla de GuzmanEmail: URL:udie Aitken is a multi award winning author of Native American themed romance novels.
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Use your letter to explain the problem and make a case for obtaining what you feel is owed. 4. Name your price. Well, not your price, really, but be sure you state clearly what you would like to have done about your complaint. Be specific: I expect a full refund; I am counting on you to reimburse me for the $30 dry cleaning bill; Please extend the warranty on my car for one year. 5. Multiple sounds from two component words are blended, while mostly preserving the sounds' order. Poet Lewis Carroll was well known for these kinds of blends. An example of this is the word slithy, a blend of lithe and slimy. This method is difficult to achieve and is considered a sign of Carroll's verbal wit. When two words are combined in their entirety, the result is considered a compound word rather than a blend.
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There is no one getting success without facing errors. This is what we are people make mistake, but like I already say consider your mistake as a learning and never let it happens again and again. In the mean time, you shouldnt really worry about how long the content should be, as long as it is top quality information and it comes out from what you obsess to do. You should be happy and traffics will come a long. 1. Because they cant just live and rely on destiny.