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Aids In Identifying . Heraldnet. comNothing like years of recession, and irritating commercials for back to school clothing to reinforce the excellent idea of requiring students to wear uniforms in our public schools. Add years of . Journalistsresource. orgDecades ago, uniforms were mostly worn by students who went to private or parochial schools. But as local school boards have focused more on improving standardized test scores and campus safety, a growing number have begun requiring school uniforms typically, a polo shirt of a particular color paired with navy or khaki pants, skirts or shorts. Thoughtco. comSchool Uniforms Defined . Uniforms used at schools can range from the formal to the informal. Some schools that have implemented them have chosen what one usually thinks of in connection to private or parochial schools: nice trousers and white shirts for boys, jumpers and white shirts for girls.

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I can say, and too often do, get your ego out of the game!But how?Anyone have a one size fits all way to do that?No?Then perhaps some sanity?Lets ask a different question: Who wants to die, perhaps horribly?Nobody. Well, bound to be a few Who wants to starve?Nobody. Who wants to die of thirst?Nobody. Who wants to die from heat?Freezing?Nobody. Who wants to live alone, die alone?Almost nobody. Who wants to do all the work it takes to survive, to a healthy older age, by themselves?Almost nobody. Who wants to eat?I do!You do!We do!Lets do!Who wants to be warm/cool as needed?I do!You do!We do!Let's do!Who wants water to drink?I do!You do!We do!Let's do!Who wants clothes?I do!You do!We do!Let's do!Shelter?I do!You do!We do!Let's do!By shifting to problem solving instead of navel gazing, the shift is automatic. We don't lose those negative traits, but we do sublimate them. Of course, the "by yourself/alone" aspect is not accidental. Cooperation is imperative, even with people we don't like. There is no choice.
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This is the next step in our spiritual evolutionary journey back to the Source. They are ever present with us to guide our footsteps and to accompany us in fulfilling the mission we have been given. As you study the Masters, consider that Earth and Its inhabitants are truly immersed in Love radiating from magnificent beings every minute of every day!If you do not yet know your mission, you will at the exact perfect moment for its fulfillment. Meanwhile, be at peace, perform acts of service/kindness, and continue to expand your consciousness through meditation and study. It is instructive to our own understanding of life to know some of the incarnations of the Ascended Masters prior to their ascension. This knowledge ties life together . gives it deeper meaning, for we are to follow in their footsteps. I do need to caution readers that this information is available through telepathic communication of those who have worked closely with the Ascended Masters. For this reason, information regarding incarnations of a particular ascended being may vary in accordance with the Intuitive's ability to communicate telepathically and with his/her own belief system. Even the best of unascended Intuitives unknowingly block facts that do not match the prevailing belief systems of our planet. For this reason, I choose to trust those persons who have made a major positive and lasting impact upon the world's knowledge of Truth, such as A.
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